Peer Review Process


The peer review process is a critical component of ensuring the quality, credibility, and integrity of the research published in the International Journal of Education & Economic Sciences (IJEES). Our thorough review process is designed to provide authors with constructive feedback to refine their work and ensure the publication of high-quality research.

1. Submission of Manuscripts

Authors are required to submit their manuscripts electronically via the journal’s online submission platform. Upon submission, the manuscripts are assigned to the Editor-in-Chief or an Associate Editor for an initial evaluation.

2. Initial Assessment

The Editor-in-Chief or Associate Editor conducts a preliminary review to assess the manuscript's alignment with the journal's scope, originality, and overall quality. Manuscripts that fail to meet the journal’s standards or fall outside its scope are rejected at this stage.

3. Assignment to Reviewers

Manuscripts that pass the initial assessment are forwarded to at least two independent reviewers who are experts in the relevant field. Reviewers are selected based on their subject expertise, experience, and the absence of conflicts of interest.

4. Review Process

Reviewers evaluate the manuscript within a specified timeframe (typically 3-4 weeks) based on the following criteria:

  • Originality and significance of the research.
  • Methodological soundness.
  • Clarity and coherence of the writing.
  • Adequacy of references.
  • Contribution to the field.

5. Reviewer Reports

Reviewers provide detailed feedback, including comments for the authors and confidential notes for the editors. They also provide a recommendation regarding the manuscript’s suitability for publication:

  • Accept.
  • Minor revisions.
  • Major revisions.
  • Reject.

6. Editorial Decision

The Editor-in-Chief or Associate Editor considers the reviewers' feedback and decides on the manuscript’s outcome. Possible decisions include:

  • Accept: The manuscript is approved for publication without further changes.
  • Minor Revisions: Minor changes are required, and the revised manuscript is reviewed by the editor.
  • Major Revisions: Substantial changes are needed, and the revised manuscript may undergo further review by the same or new reviewers.
  • Reject: The manuscript is not suitable for publication.

7. Revision Process

If revisions are requested, authors are provided with detailed reviewer comments and given a timeframe (typically 4-6 weeks) to resubmit the revised manuscript.

8. Final Decision

The revised manuscript undergoes further evaluation by the editor and, if necessary, the reviewers. The final decision on acceptance or rejection is made at this stage. Accepted manuscripts proceed to production.

9. Production and Publication

Accepted manuscripts are subject to copyediting, formatting, and proofreading. Authors are given the opportunity to review and approve the final proofs. The manuscript is then published online and made freely accessible to the public under an open-access policy.

10. Confidentiality and Transparency

All submissions and reviews are handled with strict confidentiality. The journal employs a single-blind review process, where the reviewers’ identities are not disclosed to the authors. Alternatively, in a double-blind review process, the identities of both authors and reviewers remain concealed. The journal is committed to maintaining transparency and upholding the highest ethical standards throughout the review process.