The Impact of Merit System Towards Employee Job Satisfaction at Brafle Language Institute Indonesia


  • Xu Jing Faculty of General Studies and Advanced Education, Universiti Sultan Zainal Abidin, Malaysia Author
  • Hilwa Alfiani Fitri Faculty of Languages and Communication, Universiti Sultan Zainal Abidin, Malaysia Author
  • Roy Boy Jon Faculty of Islamic of Contemporary, Univerisiti Sultan Zainal Abidin, Malaysia Author


Merit system, Job Satisfaction, Brafle Institute


Job satisfaction is a fundamental and critical concept within the field of human resource management, as it significantly influences employee motivation, performance, and overall well-being. When employees experience job satisfaction, they are more likely to feel a sense of fulfillment, achievement, and contentment, which can lead to greater organizational commitment and productivity. One of the key factors contributing to job satisfaction is the recognition of employees' efforts through merit or reward system. Employees tend to experience a greater sense of job satisfaction when their work is acknowledged and rewarded. This research seeks to explore the impact of various merit systems on employee job satisfaction, aiming to understand how different types of merit-based rewards affect employee satisfaction. To achieve this, a qualitative study was conducted at Brafle Language Institute in Indonesia, where five employees participated in open-ended interviews. The research findings reveal that the implementation of three distinct merit systems—experience-based merit, work performance-based merit, and educational level-based merit—has a positive impact on employee job satisfaction. The study highlights how each of these merit systems contributes to a work environment where employees feel valued and motivated, ultimately enhancing their job satisfaction. These findings provide valuable insights for organizations seeking to design effective systems to improve employee engagement and retention.


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How to Cite

The Impact of Merit System Towards Employee Job Satisfaction at Brafle Language Institute Indonesia. (2025). International Journal of Education and Economic Sciences , 1(1), 9-18.